Destiny 2- Lightfall's New Strand Subclass Lets You Do Some Wild Stuff

Destiny 2: Lightfall’s new Strand subclass, a set of destructive powers that combines destructive offense with a heightened sense of mobility, is one of the more exciting additions in the expansion. With all the Fragments for the subclass being unlocked ahead of this week’s raid, players have begun experimenting more with these new abilities, and so far, some of the builds have been incredibly wild to see in action. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

So far, players have been using the new Grapple ability for both offense and defense as that ethereal tangle of psychic energy can latch onto almost anything. While you do have to sacrifice your grenade ability to equip it, using the Strand Grapple on moving objects is proving to have several advantages. Combined with the ability to unravel enemies and reform them as balls of destructive energy, players are performing a one-two move in which they hurl the orb and latch a ride onto it. The results are very impressive in action.

Here’s a look at Strand being used to deal with a pesky invader in Gambit: